The State Research Support Foundations (FAPs) of 19 Brazilian states and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) launched the call Scientific Expeditions, which will make 59.2 million BRL available to fund multidisciplinary scientific expeditions in the Amazon region for a period of up to 36 months. In this call for proposals, the scientific expeditions must focus on expanding knowledge about socio-biodiversity and biodiversity in the Amazon.
"The Amazon+10 Initiative Programme aims to make resources available for scientific projects in the region, bringing together research groups that combine local researchers and those from other states...'' Ricardo Galvão, president of the CNPq
Priority Axes in this Call
This Call for Proposals will receive research proposals that involve scientific expeditions aimed at expanding knowledge about socio-biodiversity and biodiversity in the Amazon biodiversity. Teams must propose the collection of data, biological and mineral specimens, of pieces of native and popular culture (present and past), always focussing on one or more of the following priority areas described below:
- Understanding habitats and their species;
- Studying biodiversity as a source of livelihood and potential for bioeconomy;
- Preservation and restoration of natural capital;
- Studies of the tangible and intangible heritage of ancestral, indigenous and traditional peoples and their associated knowledge, ethnographies, etc. their associated knowledge, ethnographies;
- Documentation and preservation of indigenous Amazonian languages and associated knowledge systems systems;
- Studies on the sustainable use of natural resources, institutional arrangements for conservation, and territorial dynamics of indigenous and traditional peoples;
- Integration of data collected in the field with emerging technologies;
- The selection process will seek to select a balance between the priority areas.
Who is eligible
Each proposal must have Principal Investigators from at least two FAP states that have signed up to this call, one of which must be linked to higher education and/or research institutions based in the states of the Legal Amazon (Amazonas, Acre, Rondônia, Roraima, Pará, Maranhão, Amapá, Tocantins and Mato Grosso). The latter will act as coordinator before the CNPq and will be responsible for the submission.
The project must also include at least one PIQCT (Indigenous Peoples, Quilombolas and Traditional Communities) member who holds traditional knowledge related to the territory to be studied.
Brazilian applicants should consult the specific eligibility rules and modalities of participation of the respective FAPs that have joined or will join the call.
FAPs participating in the call (and amount available in BRL)
CNPq - 30 million
FAPAC (Acre) = 50 000
FAPEAL (Alagoas) = 150 000
FAPEAP (Amapá) = 300 000
FAPEAM (Amazonas) = 2 million
FAPDF (Distrito Federal) = 500 000
FAPEG (Goiás) = 600 000
FAPEMA (Maranhão) = 400 000
FAPEMAT (Mato Grosso) = 2 million
FUNDECT (Mato Grosso do Sul) = 500 000
FAPESPA (Pará) = 3 million
FAPESQ (ParaÃba) = 200 000
Fundação Araucária (Paraná) = 4 million
FACEPE (Pernambuco) = 150 000
FAPERJ (Rio de Janeiro) = 1 million
FAPERGS (Rio Grande do Sul) = 600 000
FAPERO (Rondônia) = 400 000
FAPESP (São Paulo) = 12.7 million
FAPT (Tocantins) = 450 000
FAPERR (Roraima) = 200 000
International participation
International entities may participate in this call by expressing their interest and signing a Memorandum of Understanding with CONFAP, until 31 December 2023. Contact chamadaamazonia10[at]
What is offered
Of the approximately 60 million BRL earmarked for this call, 30 million BRL will be allocated by the CNPq exclusively to researchers with a formal link to an institution located in one of the states of the Legal Amazon (Amazonas, Acre, Rondônia, Roraima, Pará, Maranhão, Amapá, Tocantins and Mato Grosso).
Proposals must be aimed at multidisciplinary scientific expeditions in the Amazon region for a period of up to 36 months and the minimum amount for each project awarded will be R$ 400 000 with no upper limit. Find out more details in the full text of the call.
Deadline: 29 April 2024
About the Amazon+10 Initiative
The Amazon+10 Initiative supports collaborative research projects aimed at biodiversity conservation and adaptation to climate change, the protection of traditional populations and communities, urban challenges and the bioeconomy as an economic development policy in the region.
The first call for proposals for the Amazon +10 Initiative, launched in June 2022, mobilised more than 500 researchers in 20 Brazilian states. 39 proposals were selected from 18 states and the Federal District, with investments from the State Research Support Foundations (FAPs) totalling R$ 41.9 million.
The studies supported under the initiative should advance scientific knowledge about the Amazon and, together with actors relevant to the formulation of public policies, attract public and private investment in order to promote the well-being of the region's populations in a consistent and long-term manner.